Monday, February 7, 2011

The ABC :C is for Coffee

 The ABC .....
Its like the ABC for Adults ... and honestly I am having so much fun doing this...

At some point I will produce cards out of the ABC photos.... just have to find the right paper ... paper is an issuse with me... Im not sure why ... I think it may be my anal ways ... yes I am totaly anal over some stuff and other stuff I dont give a dammm about... I guess its a good thing cause to be total anal over everything would make life unbearable for the Hubby and the kids....

But paper yes big hang ups over...

So C is for Coffee .......

This would have been so easy if I hadn't had so many ideas given to me last night when I sat down to do this.

I put it out there to the household... C is for?

Cookie.... Cake..... Cupid.... Crayons..... Cars...... Cats......Candles......Canary Yellow...(what) ..... Castles.....Clowns......Cups.....Clock........Catapult....(no way).....Crown......(you would say that).....Cow......(I am not going out to the fields at this time of night to take photography's of cows)..... OK well then we are out of ideas..... until the hubby said do you fancy a coffee Hun ......

Ye he clinched it....

C is for Coffee

Each week I forget to give credit to Paint The Moon... thanks to Paint The Moon the template that I use to show the ABC's is a download from Paint The Moon ... Totally helpful web site with some really cool stuff in it... worth a visit? .....Absolutely 

Did you do an ABC this week.... If so link up in comments... Ill be over shortly to check them out....

♥ Rachel


Laura said...

I love your C for Coffee,I dont know why but I always had an obsesion about pictures of cups of coffee!!...I think I need to see an specialist!!lol

Here is mine this week!!

HRushtonArt said...

I second that Laura, I love photos and images of cups of coffee or tea. But I'm totally addicted to tea anyway! : )

Here's mine too...

Me said...

I love tea so much that tea would be for every alphabet. Go tea!

But I like your picture :)

Here's my C.