Monday, January 24, 2011

The ABC : A is for Apple

I decided I need a change of direction ..... I have always wanted to produce the Alphabet in print, either by an object or by color...

So I from the new few weeks until the Alphabet is complete in print  Monday will be my day for doing my ABC's ....

If any of you would like to join me, it doesn't have to be a print it can be whatever your craft just need to follow in order of the Alphabet ...

Its just a simple way of getting those creative juices flowing

If you do follow along just leave me a link in comments so I and everyone else can come and look.

So today is A for ...... Apple

♥ Rachel


Megan said...

This is so cute!! What a unique idea!

Laura said...

i love the idea!...I might be participating next Monday!!;^P