Sunday, January 9, 2011

Does it Run in the Family

Still not feeling 100% but there is still so much work I want to get done ...

I worked on a print today...and while I worked my precious daughter worked along side me ...

I promised her that if she did her art work and put 100% into it I would show the world what an awesome artist she is ...

So now I must keep my promise....

 A young TatterBean in the making

 Piece to my Puzzle 

My new print will be in the shop sometime tomorrow 

Well here is to a amazing week ahead ..... The weekend goes by far to fast

♥ Rachel


Anonymous said...

Your daughter's picture is beautiful! I love the tree - is that fruit in it?

Tatter Beans said...

Yes it is fruit..and she was very concerned that the green apples couldn't be seen..and that the red apples looked pink... so critical of her own work at such a young age lol.. and then she said ..oh mommy my first blog pots lol

Thanks for stopping by ..and your work is lovely you sell on Etsy also?

Anonymous said...

Thank you, yes, I sell on Etsy but I have only just set up shop there so not much in the store yet! It will be well stocked soon though... and tell your daughter for me that her fruit is just lovely! :)

HRushtonArt said...

So cute!! She did a great job! Your new print is really nice too. : )
I may have to do the same with my daughters one of these days. they would be so excited to see their work on my post.

Tatter Beans said...

Thanks guys... I will be sure to let her know Miss Snow ... and you should Hrushton... its fun having them work besides you

Unknown said...

she's got talent! you must be very proud of her!