Friday, February 11, 2011

This week Im Grateful for : You the Reader

(Its a Freebie)

 Its funny how people become part of your everyday life and you don't even know them.... never seen them face to face never heard there voice, but yet they are part of your everyday life.

So this week I am grateful for.

You the reader:

Yes that's you .. reading right now, I'm grateful to you because rambling on to yourself is just no fun. I'm grateful that you interact with me on a daily basics.

And if your over here for the first time wondering who is this person you just may know me from Select All + Delete, if you followed me over there I am grateful to you for that, If you added me to your blog roll I am very grateful for that.

I don't have the time at present to keep updating Select all + Delete, it has had to take a back seat for now which in someways is a bit sad.

There just comes a time in life where a girl has to establish what is important and TatterBeans is very important to me right now...and I'm really enjoying building something which has meaning to me personally ....

Not that SA+D didn't... but really and honestly, there is only so much I can write about my kids and RAD... which was the whole point to SA+D. I think I'm just warn out with the RAD issues and need to escape it.

If you where a follower over there... I warmly invite you to follow me here, I'm still the same goof I was over there, I'm still the same Rachel, just with a little bit more Artistic Flare thrown in to warm things up a bit.

You could say this is more me...

Its funny Maxabella as usual gave me the kick up the butt I needed to stop procrastinating and make this announcement.  

Thanks Maxabella I am Grateful that.

Its been hard to let things go  .... but its time for now... SA+D will come back, just not today or tomorrow.

The good news is I am still here.
Enjoying life to the full, and for that Im truly grateful.

This is a Grateful Post linked up to Maxabella Loves 

♥ Rachel


Laura said...

I am grateful for you too!!;^P...grate post!

Anonymous said...

Linking up from Maxabella's linky. :O) Looking forward to following along!

Trish@Show and Tell said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog and following.
So glad to discover and follow you too!


Anonymous said...

These words: "There just comes a time in life where a girl has to establish what is important" are so true. I absolutely understand what you mean. And yes, I am happy to join your journey.

Cat from Raspberry Rainbow said...

Lovely gratefuls.
I just checked out your etsy shop, so many lovely images in there - keep having fun :)

Maxabella said...

I think this spot is more 'you' anyway, Rach!!! x

kasia leach said...

here for the first time..
very cool blog!!
and yep.. thankful for maxabella too!!

Unknown said...

Hi Rachael! I've been missing you, but here you are again. Following your creative spot here (which is lovely, may I just say?). And I'm grateful for you too. Isn't the online community wonderful? Happy Grateful Day. xx

Cate said...

Oh I'm gratful you linked up this weekend - I can't believe I wasn't following you over here too...oops (all fixed now!)
have a great weekend

♥.Trish.♥ Drumboys said...

Onwards and upwards Rachel.
I'm already following here.